Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

For the last three days it's been nothing but, "Text C.'s mom and see if they'll meet us at the park." The days have been busy and the exact time we could get to the park was never certain. Plus it's been hot. After months of grey, rain, cold, we've got sun, heat, heat and more heat. The play structure is too hot to touch, literally, nobody wants to play there. Except Rojo.

Kept putting him off and putting him off until he wore me down. I finally texted (nothing could be more made than texting) C.'s mom about 6:15 PM and said, "We're going to the park at 6:30, can you join us?"

She texted back that no, she wasn't feeling well, and to try them again another time.

I told Rojo and he was disappointed, but still confident that C.'s mom would feel suddenly better and bring him to the park anyway.

We got to the park, Rojo tried to touch the play structure and got burned, so we sat under the only tree in sight and talked. About three minutes later who shows up but C. and his dad. C.'s dad didn't know about the texts back and forth with his wife, he just offered to take C. (six-years-old) out of the house for awhile and kick a soccer ball around (good dad).

No accidents.


Deb Shucka said...

You could write an entire book about this summer's park magic. :-)

Jerri said...

Makes me think of that piece of "best advice ever": Be blessed.

Rojo chooses to be blessed. And he is.

Nancy said...

I love Rojo and his "knowing." said...

Rojo, Rojo, Rojo. Little Buddha.

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

Oh! Such a teacher he is!

Unknown said...

and having spent years at the park with my gang and the assorted kids I babysat, I cringed when you reminded me of the hot structures.

some of those were long days...

Anonymous said...

Are you sure your kid isn't an angel in disguise?

kario said...

I can only imagine the discussion that ensued between you and C's dad.

And what gifts you and Rojo bestowed on them that evening.


Anonymous said...

Love it when things come together like this. Unexpectedly makes it even better. Good dad.

Wanda said...

Pure magic.

Sorry Not Sorry

I'm sorry I keep pointing you towards Brené Brown's podcast,  Unlocking Us , but I'm not that  sorry.* I've appreciated ever...