Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Coming home from school, Woohoo is in the passenger seat, Rojo, Flicka and Elmo are squished in the back. "Mom? What does 'fruit' mean?" he asks.

"Fruit?" I say, not sure where he's going with this, because although he doesn't eat fruit, certainly, he knows what it is.

Reading my mind he answers, "Not like a banana, but fruit. You know, like 'fruit of thy womb, Jesus."

Quickly moving my brain from produce to Jesus, I answer "It means what comes from... Jesus came from Mary's womb. We say, 'fruit of our labor' and it means the results, the end product, the outcome.

"Blessed be Mary's fruit," he simply says.

* Madonna and Child by Raphael


kario said...

So do you think this conversation will make him more or less likely to eat a piece of fruit anytime soon?

Love you guys!

Wanda said...

Blessed be the fruit of Carrie's womb, Rojo. And WooHoo.

Unknown said...

and it is.

Deb Shucka said...

Blessed be that boy. Blessed be!

Jerri said...

Tears running down my face.

Blessed be.

fullsoulahead.com said...

Blessed be.

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

Blessed be the beautiful fruit of YOUR womb.

Anonymous said...

simply amazing...........


Anonymous said...


Sorry Not Sorry

I'm sorry I keep pointing you towards BrenĂ© Brown's podcast,  Unlocking Us , but I'm not that  sorry.* I've appreciated ever...