Monday, November 12, 2012

I See How This is Going to Go Down

As everyone knows that reads my blog (thank you!), my dad has spent the last 16 years taking things from our home and putting them back later (sometimes after many months). As a child he'd have me go in search of something, and inevitably, I'd come up short. "Carrie, you're not bad looking, but you're a bad looker," he'd say. I'm convinced that his teasing from the other side is to remind me that he's there, and that I'm still a bad looker - what I need is right in front of me, I just can't see it.

STM's dad could fix anything, anything at all, but we were forever taking broken lamps to him, and other electrical things. Since he died we've had a slew of things break or go out: the doorbell, six light bulbs (6!) and three smoke alarm batteries (3!). You can't tell me that's an accident. He's on the other side now, too, but right there. Apparently we need frequent reminders.

Today, as I replaced the batteries and bulbs, I was able to offer up a prayer of gratitude that our loved ones never leave us, they just transform.

6 comments: said...

"You're not bad looking, but you're a bad looker."


Oh I'll be using this one with my son. Like you, he is a very bad looker.

Very cool photo.

Ajax said...

Have you seen Long Island Medium? I'm gullible i guess, but if it's not legit, then they stage it all pretty well. Based on the show it would seem there are spirits all over the place. (For what it's worth.) Ha!

Elizabeth said...

I so needed to read this tonight. Thank you.

kario said...

I love that he is visiting you all, but sheesh, does he have to be SO over the top? That's a lot of work for you. I hope he chills out a bit now that you've acknowledged him...

Amber said...

I suggest just telling him hello.

The other day I was having a good cry, and I knew without a doubt my grandma was in the room. I told her hi, and thanks for being there. ;)


Tanya Savko said...

This is so true. There are times when I feel my dad reminding me of things. Especially now, during football season : )

Sorry Not Sorry

I'm sorry I keep pointing you towards BrenĂ© Brown's podcast,  Unlocking Us , but I'm not that  sorry.* I've appreciated ever...