Thursday, April 2, 2020


I was so excited for 2020. This was going to be the year of clear vision--just like the number implied. What had been murky, would settle. I'd be able to see goals and dreams come into view and be achievable, because I'd be so focused, what with the perfect sight and all.

Turns out? I was right. 2020 is the year of acuity. 

In the last month, a lot has been redefined, reconsidered, reprioritized. Richard Rohr is defining this time as an "initiation."

I have been using my Mother Mary Oracle Deck more lately. I have many decks, and this is my all-time favorite. Several times I've drawn Our Lady of Soul Birth. It's a message for me, but that message is for all of us: something is trying to be birthed.

We keep hearing the term "unprecedented" as it relates to what's going on for all of us. What makes it especially "unprecedented" is it is happening to all of us. It's not just "over there." We won't all be impacted exactly the same, but every life is altered. 

I've been able to shield Wil from lots of world events, but this is something I can't keep from him, much as I'd like to. The bubble he's been living in has been burst. 

He's risen to the occasion in ways I never would have predicted. He's doing more chores, being more flexible about what he eats, helping to walk the dog, which is giving him exercise he was lacking. He's not complaining of being bored, or going stir-crazy. He's rolling with it. I'd go so far as to say he's finding joy in the new normal. He loves the games we are playing as a family. He's been extra-funny, making us all laugh until we cry. 

I didn't see any of that coming. 

I have a rule: When something has been recommended to me one time, I consider it, when it happens a second time, I look into it seriously, and when for a third time it comes up, I jump. That's what happened with BrenĂ© Brown's new podcast, "Unlocking Us." Yesterday, I listened to two, FFTs and Comparative Suffering. I highly recommend you listen to both, ASAP. I'm finding it really hard to settle down and read a book, but I can listen to a podcast with my head phones on, and do laundry, cook, or very satisfying chores such as deep cleaning the stove top. 

I don't have 20/20 vision about what I'm seeing right now. To gain 20/20 vision, you have to be 20 feet away. We are in it. We aren't "away." It could be a while before we are "away," but we can squint, and look for clues from those around us. We can take our cues from others we trust to help lead us through. 

1 comment:

TW Thinks said...

Love this. Love you. Thank you for always helping to bring clarity. It's a gift I treasure.
Happy to hear Wil's rising to the occasion-no surprise there.

Sorry Not Sorry

I'm sorry I keep pointing you towards BrenĂ© Brown's podcast,  Unlocking Us , but I'm not that  sorry.* I've appreciated ever...